Photogenic Kids!!

October 24, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I had the privilege of doing a shoot for a very special friend of mine last week. This gal has been there for me through some pretty serious, tough times in my life. We all go through 'dark' periods in life, but I firmly believe that God puts certain people in your life to help you through those tough times. This amazing mother was there for my husband and I when our daughter passed away, and she spent several hours with me just talking, teaching me to knit, bringing me junk snacks (whoot) when I was on hospital bed rest with my son. She is a gem....a diamond in the rough....a 'do anything for you' type of person. Did I mention that her kids are EXTREMELY photogenic? I seriously had a really hard time eliminating any pictures from this shoot. They were extremely well behaved and I enjoyed every second I got to spend with them! 


How often do you get an 'everyone looks great' family shot? OK well maybe the oldest was in the middle of a question but he still looks damn cute!



Now let's just talk about these kids....seriously there wasn't a bad picture of ANY of them! The oldest was so extremely agreeable even though a photo shoot is probably the last thing he felt like doing. I really think he got into a groove and enjoyed getting his picture taken. I mean seriously....this kid could could be modeling. Look at those dazzling eyes!

Now his little brother also hung in there like a trooper. He just has ornery written all over his face....but what a beautiful child! 


Now don't even get me started on their little sister. I hadn't seen this beauty since she was a baby...literally. She sure does know how to hold her own with two big brothers showing her the ways of the world. She was a delight to shoot......such natural smiles and SO agreeable and easy to work with considering her age! I hope her mom lets me continue to photograph her as the years pass. The camera absolutely loves her!


These kiddos are SO good to each other. The bond between siblings is so very special. These three are bound to be friends forever and are destined for great things!



Best Regards-

Ana Horbelt




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