For the longest time, I thought these two were identical twins. I mean.....seriously they look so much alike. Alas, they are fraternal and couldn't be more polar opposite in the personality department. They were a delight to photograph....their red hair against their pale skin is just so striking.
I absolutely LOVE this shot. If you look closely, you can see little brother trying to photobomb the picture!
The biggest challenge with this one was getting her to LOOK at the camera! I finally had to settle for a few where she wasn't looking, but I still love how they turned out.
Did I mention their personalities are POLAR OPPOSITES? This cutie loved having her picture taken. There seriously wasn't a bad shot of her. She's got hair any girl would dream of and her smile is just so genuine and beautiful!
I love the ornery, scheming look to her expression here.
And then there were three!!!! This little guy is super lucky to have two awesome big sisters that just adore him. He promised to be good for me because well....he kind of likes me....a LOT. I get to see this little guy almost every day and he sure does make me smile!
The three of them are just so 'perfect' together!
Mom and Dad are pretty perfect too. They have these kids whipped into shape! They are seriously GREAT kids, which is completely a reflection of their awesome parenting skills!
This shoot was a lovely way to start my Saturday morning! I'm still offering my fall mini sessions until all the color is gone! I would welcome the opportunity to work with you!
The 3 year old woke up late from her nap and wanted nothing to do with getting her picture taken. I tried songs, mom tried suckers....all kinds of bribery. Even though my chicken dance attempt failed, daddy sure did have something up his sleeve to finally get her to crack a smile!
A fur collared poncho and boots.....this girl has style!
Her big sister was an absolute dream to photograph. In fact, when I need practice I may be calling her. She loved having her picture taken and boy does the camera love her!
There wasn't a bad picture of her in the bunch!
Neither one of these beauties got Daddy's blue eyes. Maybe baby brother will!
I can't wait to meet their new addition early next year. He's got good genes, so he's bound to be beautiful!
Serious good looks at such a young age!
'Hey Ana, aren't you going to take a funny picture of me? Yes......absolutely....I would love to take a goofy picture of your adorable face!
Now let's talk about little brother. I mean seriously...could they look more different? This kid has some beautiful blue eyes and a lovely personality to go with them. He most definitely is his own unique soul, but also wants badly to keep up with his big brother!
'Hey....I want a goofy picture too!!' OK you got it kid. Get back in the tree!
And last, but certainly not least is their beautiful, inquisitive, playful daughter who absolutely loved getting her picture taken. She brought along her best buddy...her dog Vito. The love she has for this dog was clearly evident. I love when kids love animals. They are so good for the soul! I'm pretty sure I'm going to be stealing her away in the future for more practice. :)
This family was a lot of fun. It helps that they are all beautiful and have such fun personalities. I feel so blessed to know them!
How often do you get an 'everyone looks great' family shot? OK well maybe the oldest was in the middle of a question but he still looks damn cute!
Now let's just talk about these kids....seriously there wasn't a bad picture of ANY of them! The oldest was so extremely agreeable even though a photo shoot is probably the last thing he felt like doing. I really think he got into a groove and enjoyed getting his picture taken. I mean seriously....this kid could could be modeling. Look at those dazzling eyes!
Now his little brother also hung in there like a trooper. He just has ornery written all over his face....but what a beautiful child!
Now don't even get me started on their little sister. I hadn't seen this beauty since she was a baby...literally. She sure does know how to hold her own with two big brothers showing her the ways of the world. She was a delight to shoot......such natural smiles and SO agreeable and easy to work with considering her age! I hope her mom lets me continue to photograph her as the years pass. The camera absolutely loves her!
These kiddos are SO good to each other. The bond between siblings is so very special. These three are bound to be friends forever and are destined for great things!
Best Regards-
Ana Horbelt
She sure does know how to rock a grey bow!
I absolutely LOVE this picture. The original had the 4 year old in it also, but he was looking off into space. So I cropped it down to just these two. I absolutely love big brother's expression. He looks so 'sophisticated'. And this is one of the best expressions I captured of little sister all evening!
These boys.....Mom and Dad had better make sure they have the reins pulled in tight when they get older!
Could he have bigger, more beautiful eyes?
They are a beautiful family and I'm SO grateful I have gotten to know them over the past year!
The leaves are changing rapidly and the outdoor world is SO very beautiful right now. There is still time to book a fall mini session!
Best Regards-
Ana Horbelt
His little brother wasn't very interested in getting his picture taken on a Friday evening. He made it clear that there were other things that he would much rather be doing. Despite his lack of enthusiasm for my lame jokes, he did manage to give me a few great smiles. Look at those blue eyes! Not sure where they come from since mom and dad both have brown eyes but wow they sure are striking!
Love the two of them together. I can tell these two get along well and enjoy having each other as brothers.
We took lots of great family shots too. It was hard to narrow them down....there were so many good ones!
I'm still offering mini fall shoots for $50 so if you know of anyone wanting so pictures perhaps for their holiday card, send them my way!
Best Regards-
Ana Horbelt
Best Regards-
Ana Horbelt